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About Us

The Montfort School for the deaf and deaf-blind children in Haiti was founded in 1957 by the Daughters of Wisdom. The institute is comprised of three schools. The largest is located in Santo, Croix des Bouquets, the second in St. Marc, and the third in Lavaud. In addition, the institute has a farm at Santo.


Many years ago, education for the deaf and deaf-blind was rudimentary. It was an oral system that used lip-reading, blackboards, and slates to communicate and educate.  The children of Haiti deserved better. The desire to help provide proper education, books, sign language dictionaries, and additional tools specifically for this population was a goal that had to be fulfilled.


In addition to quality education, we focus on providing crucial vocational training (woodwork, sewing, cooking, furniture making, and farming), allowing Haiti's deaf and deaf-blind children the opportunity to be gainfully employed. 


The good work continues every day with the help of supporters and donors like you. 

Message From The President

[2 Corinthians 9:6-8]


Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.


Greetings from the board members of Friends of Montfort.


We pray that as we move into the New Year there is a renewed hope to re-establishing your support for the deaf children at Institute Montfort in Haiti. As you can imagine, the Covid -19 pandemic placed extreme stress and pressure on the students and staff at Institute Montfort.


The pandemic lockdown prevented us from holding our Annual Luncheon Fundraiser for the last 2 years. This coming year, we are happy to announce that we will be resuming our Annual Luncheon on April 24th, 2022. It also is a great time to solicit new sponsors and encourage the renewal of sponsorship.


The School at Institute Montfort in Haiti was also locked down due to the pandemic. Sister Rose Andre, the immediate past school director, has unfortunately passed away recently. Her legacy and dedication to Institute Montfort will never be forgotten. 


The new girls and boys dormitories were completed with 100 beds each. Maintenance of the facilities is becoming very challenging. The main well pump which provides water to the facilities was badly damaged due to lightning. It had to be replaced immediately. 


The children are being well cared for and their education continues with little interruption. Last year, 8 students graduated and passed the national Philo exam. This is an amazing accomplishment for any student, let alone students who cannot hear.


Your donations and support are especially critical this year. We are trying to make up for a deficit due to a lack of contact and donations in the last 2 years. We are driven to find new ways of obtaining your support because we need it more than ever!


We thank you in advance for your continued support of these children in need of a better life.


Donations can be sent via Zelle or Paypal at

Checks made out to Friends of Montfort and mailed to
P.O. Box 314, Merrick New York, 11566-3014




Dr. Tom Beague

President of the Board


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